
About Us


Our Misson

The Laotian American Society is a non-profit organization formally established in 2005, and we are more than proud to be celebrating 15 years as an organization. We bridge together the modern Laotian-American with the traditional generation of our community, to celebrate our culture and aid our community in numerous ways.

Our Motto

“Pride in our Heritage… Passion for our Future”

Our Officers

Executive Board

Jaesen Khounthalangsy


Erika Nations


Brittnie Oo


Advocacy/Policies Department

Jaesen Khounthalangsy

Interim Advocacy/Policies Director

Brandon Nee

Policies Internship

Jade Lasanajak

Advocacy Apprentice

Cultural Department

Kimberly Lattanaxay

Director of Souliya Natasinh​

Samuel Thirakoune

Director of Jalern Sinh

Vandy Oudomsine

Cultural Manager​

Dharmala Navamal

Cultural Lead

Divine Bouriboune

Cultural Fellow

Marketing Department

Justin Rodriguez

Director of Sabaidee Atlanta

Logan Chanthavong

MIS Internship

Youth Department

Alex Nee

Director of Moho Toso

Vincent Sommano

Youth Programs Manager

Frankie Sisavath

Youth Programs Manager