Advocacy Outreach and Policies
The Laotian American Society (LAS), often seen as a voice for the underrepresented, is dedicated to advocating for and supporting those without a voice. Through comprehensive advocacy and outreach programs, as well as promoting policies that benefit Laotian Americans and other communities with similar experiences, LAS strives to make a meaningful impact. The Advocacy, Outreach, and Policies Department stays informed about community changes, providing assistance and educational clinics to equip the Laotian American community with the tools needed for a better quality of life. This department is not only program-driven but also acts swiftly through project-driven initiatives.
As a strictly nonpartisan organization, LAS works closely with local, state, and federal officials to raise awareness about the needs and contributions of Laotian American constituents. By engaging with policymakers, they ensure that the voices of Laotian Americans are heard and considered in legislative processes, helping to secure resources and support for the community. This proactive approach ensures that Laotian Americans are not forgotten and that their unique challenges and perspectives are addressed.
LAS places a strong emphasis on building and nurturing community partnerships. By collaborating with various organizations, they amplify their efforts and create a broader support network. These partnerships enable LAS to extend its reach, share resources, and foster a sense of solidarity among communities with shared experiences. Together, they work towards common goals, creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.
Current Projects
Lao Votes
Voting is essential for Laotian Americans to ensure their voices are heard and their interests represented at all levels of government. By participating in elections, they can elect officials who understand their unique needs and advocate on their behalf. Local government decisions, which directly impact daily life—such as education, community parks, public safety, infrastructure, and public libraries—can be shaped through their votes. By exercising their right to vote, Laotian Americans reclaim ownership of their communities and influence the policies that affect their daily lives. The Laotian American Society is committed to assisting and educating the community about their voting rights and the importance of having a voice in government.
Language Access
Know Your Rights Clinics
Current Programs
Immigration Resolution and Citizenship Assistance
With the recent lifting of visa sanctions on individuals from Laos, the community grows increasingly concerned about their status. Many Laotian Americans, who were refugees from the Laotian diaspora, have focused on building new lives in the United States and often haven’t questioned their legal status. However, recent data from the 2020 Census, community polls, and questionnaires, along with the diligent work of community partners, highlight growing concerns about immigration. Alarmingly, many Laotian Americans have not sought citizenship or attempted to do so, fearing it might draw attention to their legal status. Many are green card holders or have entered the country legally but have lost their documents while trying to resettle.
Laotian Americans face several challenges when seeking citizenship:
- Language Barriers: Many Laotian Americans struggle with English, making it difficult to navigate the complex legal and bureaucratic processes involved in applying for citizenship.
- Financial Constraints: The cost of applying for citizenship, including legal fees and application fees, can be prohibitive for many individuals.
- Lack of Legal Knowledge: Understanding the legal requirements and processes for citizenship can be daunting, especially for those who may not have access to legal assistance.
- Fear of Drawing Attention: Some individuals fear that applying for citizenship could draw attention to their legal status, especially if they have lost important documents or have other legal uncertainties.
- Cultural Barriers: Adjusting to a new culture while trying to maintain their own cultural identity can be challenging, and this cultural dissonance can impact their confidence in seeking citizenship.
- Documentation Issues: Many Laotian Americans entered the country legally but have since lost important documents, complicating their ability to prove their eligibility for citizenship.
The Laotian American Society aims to address these issues by creating a safe space where affected individuals can connect with legal experts. Through seminars or one-on-one sessions, they can get their concerns addressed and develop a plan for securing their status in the United States. This initiative seeks to provide the necessary support and resources to help Laotian Americans overcome these challenges and secure their new roots in the United States.
Past Projects
Lao Counts (Census 2020)
The 2020 Census was a pivotal project for the Laotian community, playing a crucial role in shaping its future. Accurate census data was essential for determining representation in government and allocating federal funding to various programs and services. Historically, many Laotian communities faced challenges with underrepresentation and inaccurate counts, leading to disparities in resources and support. Addressing these inaccuracies was imperative to ensure that Laotian communities received fair representation and equitable funding. By participating in the Census, the community had the opportunity to reshape its future, advocate for its needs, and secure the resources necessary for growth and development. This project was a collective effort to ensure every Laotian was counted and their voices were heard.
Covid-19 Community Response Team of Georgia

The response team is dedicated to supporting the elderly in under-served communities by providing essential food and sanitary goods during the Covid-19 global pandemic. In collaboration with M&S Homecare Services and Lao Asian Community Services of Georgia, the team ensures that these vital supplies are delivered directly to the residences of community elders. Prioritizing the health and safety of seniors, the team offers peace of mind and security. Their efforts have reached hundreds of families across the Metro Atlanta area, the Northeast Georgia corridor, Athens Metro, and Macon-Bibb County. This initiative not only addresses immediate needs but also fosters a sense of community and care during these challenging times. With the support of M&S Homecare Services, which provides comprehensive homecare solutions, and Lao Asian Community Services of Georgia, which aids the Asian community with essential services and resources, the team is committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of community elders, ensuring they receive the support they need without compromising their health or safety.
Operation Lunchbox
During the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, many children lost access to the nutritious meals provided through school lunch programs. In response to this urgent need, the Laotian American Society (LAS) launched a special initiative aimed at supporting K-12 students within the Laotian community in Georgia. This initiative was dedicated to ensuring that no child went without a wholesome meal during the pandemic. By providing balanced and nutritious lunches, LAS aimed to bridge the gap left by the absence of school-provided meals, fostering the well-being and growth of young community members during those unprecedented times. Through this program, LAS addressed immediate nutritional needs and reinforced its commitment to the health and prosperity of the community. Believing that every child deserves access to healthy food, this initiative was a testament to LAS’s dedication to this cause during the COVID-19 crisis. LAS is proud of the impact it had and remains committed to supporting the community in times of need.